Pannier/Large Prairie coal from Leamington to Avon Bridge Power station - Free roam

Requires the Pannier and Large Prairie from Steam/Victory Works.

There will be some uncooperative signals.

Select the Pannier or Large Prairie at Leamington Shed.

Drive through the station, stop at 'Leamington Down Through 3' and change the points behind.

Your coal wagons have been pulled out of their siding by the Up Shunter.
Reverse and couple onto the coal wagons at 'Leamington Up Goods 2'

Return to the main line and stop clear of the points at 'Warwick Avon Bridge Sidings Entrance down'.

Replace the empty wagons with the full ones at entrance to the private siding.

Published recollections say the train reversed out the way it came onto the down main line
rather than using the exit at the Leamington end of the sidings.
The slip point was then changed and it then pulled forward onto the up main line.

Return to Leamington and add the empty wagons to those already in 'Leamington Up Exchange Siding 3'.

Another job was to take full coal wagons to Leamington Shed returning with empties
amd also servicing the Down side coal and gas works sidings.

NOTE: a combination the curve and gradient means the loco will probably derail if trying to access the Shed Coal Stage slope.
You may have more success with the Pannier rather than the Large Prairie but be prepaired to be wiped out.

Ref GWR Journal No.70 page 329